All posts by pmj642

I appoint you to come forward and be a green hero!!

Its time of great opportunities. The world is progressing way faster than anyone could  have imagined a decade ago…..Resource consumption including water, electricity, non – renewable resources (fuels) etc are like secondary oxygen, and we are exhaling secondary carbon dioxide in form of pollution. Its high time we need a environmental or resource or pollution manager or in a word a GREEN SUPERHERO (aint MARVEL stuff).


   A GREEN superhero is a person of great responsibility (who isnt appointed by SHIELD, hope you have seen captain america). A guy who is self appointed, someone who understands his role to protect the things on which the future of coming generations awaits. The good news is we all can be green superhero’s.

 So lets get to work…

1) Being a water protection agent,

Find any leaking tap around?? Im sure you’ll find plenty!!

Go and put it off properly. This way you’ll save buckets of water everyday and a lot of energy that is required to process that water when it becomes waste water. Imagine that for a year we go on with this habit, then the amount of water you’ll save would be in 1000’s of litres. Well done dude already!!!

2) Being energy manager, see any chargers plugged in around you without their appliances??….Turn off the switch. See any lights or fans on, that no one needs ?? Yeah boy thats your call, dont hesitate go and put it off. This way you’ll save tons of energy everyday. Wanna go deep…..put all your gadgets at 1 min screen off time (because your display consumes the most battery juice).

3) Love to drive?? Then you got a great responsibility.

Along with driving safely we need to safeguard the fuel. Simplest thing is to put the engine off at signal. Take a walk if the distance is close enough for you to do so (I walk km’s to do so…keeps you fit and healthy too, after all boy you are a superhero, you gotta be fit).

And we can go on and on…so lets take a halt here. There are numerous ways in which you can already contribute to  mother earth and surely expand our resources to 5-10 years. And imagine if tons of people perform these simple steps everyday then the impact we will have on the environment. 

Its high time and GREEN HERO’s need to rise(the green knight rises). Its our responsibility.


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Addicted to technology?

Hello, long time since my last post…so today im asking you to ask yourself a question…are you able to live without your ac, tv, laptop, pc, mobile, etc for long spans of time when they are not required?
             If you said no ….than you are probably addicted to technology. So whats addiction to technology? According to me its the unnecessary use of technological devices for long durations…to the extent that you cant focus on something at hand continuously, the technology call just pops up (mobile notifications etc).
             The symptoms of technological addiction are analogous to….. you cant concentrate on something due to your so called digital notifications every now and then, your mobile or laptop keeps you hooked for social networking, gaming, calls, messages, etc , you cant live without an air conditioner or you just cant get yourself away from your TV set…..then you are addicted to technology!!

               So my friend then what are the consequences of this thing….they are well known, commonplace, but still ignored. Its takes away your independence or freedom at the first place. For ex. You want to do stuff that really matters but your pc just doesnt let you go (lolz)…yes thats the case. Even if you are able to seperate yourself from it then probably you arent able to focus on the thing continuously, you just get distracted again and again by that thing…..and surely that reduces your effectiveness or efficiency of doing that task. Science says that if your concentration is broken by something …then it takes approx. 20-22 mins to reach to that concentration level again.

              So it kind of takes away your freedom to do anything you want to do whenever you want to. It starts ruling your world like any other addiction.

              So how to get rid of it…..Its easier than your current perception about it. JUST GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME. Spend more time with yourself….yes, bcuz you are spending more time with your mechanical or electronic friend. Go spend some time with nature, nature doesnt mean a forest, it can be a simple tree, green grass, the blue sky, all are nature, breathe in fresh air and see the magic, the eternal bliss you will feel, go spend some time with your friends, family, have a heartily laugh with someone.

            If you are getting started then while doing some other stuff keep your devices shut or keep them out of reach and slowly increase the time of your focus. Or instead remove the application or contact or the thing,that you use the most, permanently(helps me to break the link with something). Dont forget to reward yourself for staying free from the thing that bogs you.

               And if you think that a great life is being surrounded by technology all the time cuz its so awesome and makes things so easy and can let you do cool things….then my friend get out of your small life sphere. AND YOU WILL REALISE, LIFE IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE AND THE MOST AMAZING THING YOU GOT AND ITS MORE AWESOME THAN YOUR SMARTPHONE or LAPTOP(etc).

              So take your freedom back today simply by realising the fact that you arent free right now…have a distraction free life ahead.



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